
Explainable AI

Explainable AI

Explainable AI is artificial intelligence designed in order to explain its intent, reasoning and decision-making in a simple, usable and understandable way to humans.

Understanding how a system makes certain decisions has nowadays become a fundamental element to make the most of the potential of Artificial Intelligence. To do this, we use machine learning-based features that use natural language processing to instantly answer your business questions, saving weeks of work for BI teams who have to create pre-built data models and dashboards.

Our features are optimized in order to understand the business language you use every day as part of your job, including phrases related to sales, marketing and retail.

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Since years we have adopted the smart working concept. We rely on the expertise of our consultants which are spread all over the world


Via Maggio, 1 Lugano
+41 793788261

Via Anfiteatro, 5 Milano

+39 02 9296921