
Our core business: Data Products

Of course, it’s still us. DuneD guides companies to become Data-driven companies by combining a scientific approach to data analysis with AI algorithm development expertise and a service design methodology to create Data Products.

But what is a Data Product and why should you need it? What value can it generate for your company and how does it transform it into a Data-driven company? Today we would like to take you on a journey through the founding elements of our mission illustrated on the website.

A path which will cross key concepts such as Data blending, Embedded analytics, Explainable AI, Actionable insights and – last but not least – data as an asset. Yes, the data you already have or which can be obtained and analyzed is for your company a value equal to, if not greater than, that of a patent or cash flow. Data is your most valuable asset to grow your business and ensure you are competitive and resilience today and in the future.

We are a Data Product Company, that is…

. . . we build products based on data blending, which we know how to interpret (thanks to the rigour of our data scientists) and in which we unite Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a fundamental element, creating an interface that improves human-machine interaction. Simple, especially for our customers, or for you who use them or are about to use them.

A Data Product is an application or tool which uses data to help companies improve their decisions and processes. Data Products (as we design and build them at DuneD) have a user-friendly interface and we use data science to provide predictive analytics, descriptive data modeling, data mining, machine learning, risk management and other analytics even for non-Data Scientists.

DuneD’s Data Products combine data, i. e. feedstock, with the technical development capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and User Experience algorithms to improve interaction between interlocutor and data, generating confidence in the ability to interpret and exploit available information.


From Data blending to Embedded analytics: so you get to the “informed decision”

With Data Blending, DuneD combines data aquired from different sources, in different formats and creates data sets which, combined with each other, are displayed in dashboards giving you the “big picture” you need in order to make a decision. Data blending allows you to aggregate large moles of data quickly. In other words, it is a tool for quality Business Intelligence.

For example, data blending can be used to merge customer transaction data, including their IDs, with their profile tables to create interactive dashboards that show order details. Transaction data can in turn be segmented by geographical area, demographic group, category, level of expenditure, etc. – all on the same dashboard.

Our data products already incorporate analytics capabilities – that’s why we’re talking about Embedded analytics – and give you access to intelligence extracted from data quickly and easily. DuneD is, in fact, partner of AWS to implement AWS QuickSight; This allows us to integrate business analytics functionality into applications and web portals that you already use in your company. Thanks to this integration, you can extract accurate knowledge from your data and easily view it in dashboards which can be accessed directly from the IT tools you use every day. The information you need is available without any slowdown in your activity.

But it doesn’t stop here: DuneD is at the cutting edge of data intelligence and, as AWS’s only certified Italian partner for Advanced Analytics and Service Delivery, we develop solutions on AWS Quick Sight Q and Self-BI products that use natural language for query. Quick Sight Q automatically includes the relationships among the data and arranges them in indexes. You can ask questions and get answers in seconds. Machine learning allows Q to become more and more accurate.

All this allows you to extract from the data the knowledge on which to base the actions (Actionable Insights) that are functional to your strategy.


How we enable the Data-driven company

DuneD’s mission is to support customers on their journey to become a Data-driven company. How? We collect data (structured, semi-structured and de-structured) and create Data Lake that enrich data from all sources, both corporate and external, making them always

In addition (and not least), we make transparent the predictions of Artificial Intelligence algorithms by explaining the logic of the responses provided by AI. DuneD Data products are designed to give the user confidence and generate confidence in predictions by making it clear how AI achieves certain results (Explainable AI).

Our approach is different because it starts from the need of the user of the product. We give our Data Products the best possible interface for the specific user. available and questionable by all business units.

In our data transformation projects, we also innovate the approach to Business Intelligence (BI) looking not only into the past but also into the future: This is where value is created, understanding how to behave facing new trends.

DuneD offers you two main products: Predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics, the real point where competitive advantage is generated, because these tools, by simulating scenarios, allow you to plan the best strategy to achieve the desired objective.

What should I do given my budget and my target? Our technologies know how to suggest the best actions to implement. And also explain why.


Data is your most valuable asset: Don’t underestimate them!

Ultimately, why enter the world of Big Data, analytics and Data Products? Because data is not a commodity or a “technology”: a valuable business asset, an asset, such as liquidity or intellectual property. Data is the tool to focus business objectives because it allows you to make informed decisions based on the knowledge extracted with Data Products. Improving products and services based on the analysis of data collected from a wide range of sources (web browsing, social networks, surveys, etc. ) results in competitive advantage and economic value. Your data is your future: Don’t forget the value of data!



Food for thought…

  • Ian Xiao su Medium: The trends that are redefining Data products and the dominance of companies that use Data products (such as Google, Amazon, Apple). The article by Deloitte’s expert stresses, among other things, the value of intangible assets, according to the concept we have proposed.
  • Data-driven company, e.g. Spotify: With its track suggestion system based on preference analysis and creation of “tailor-made” playlists and messages, the European music giant is a successful example of a Data-driven company.

Interesting Podcast…

  • We wrote that understandable AI and analytics is this series of podcast by PWC with the significant title: “Transforming risk into confidence”, within the broader theme “Transforming business with data lake technlogy.”
  • “Combatting AI Adoption Fears” is the other emblematic title of the podcast in which Craig Civil, former Head of Data Innovation at Lloyd’s, talks about how to overcome mistrust of AI technologies when they are implemented in the company. Explainable AI is exactly one of the ways DuneD works to deliver a “trustworthy” AI to customers.

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